Every time we start a job, we have a feeling about it. We might think “This will be quick”. Or a challenge. Or a ton of work. I could go on and on with this list of adjectives. But sometimes, we just know – THIS WILL BE FUN!
That was our feeling teaming up with Bill Grant of Grant Collaborative, on an image for Mercier Orchards in Blue Ridge, Georgia, and we had it right.
Mercier Orchards was making a move into the hard cider business and needed a hero image for collateral, packaging and the product itself. The image needed to connect with the generations long heritage Mercier has in the North Georgia area and stand out in the crowded beverage market. Grant Collaborative came up with the clever concept. They were inspired by the famous painting, “American Gothic”, adding a whimsical nod to the proverbial party goer wearing a lampshade, the talent would wear an apple basket. A stock image was found of the actual house used in the painting. Then the photographer shot talent dressed, lit and positioned like the subjects in the painting, along with appropriate props. We were given the task of creating the artwork for this project.
The photos were handed off to Mary Brandt, our creative director, and she had a great time working on it. To match the original painting, she created background foliage and a barn, and also changed architectural details and lighting on the stock photo of the actual house. The talent was retouched to give the same pensive attitude and structure as the original. The result is a playful image, inspired by an iconic painting from the past, but firmly placed in current context by a humorous twist.
This image won a Bronze at the American Advertising Awards in Dallas, Texas this year.
Using still elements, Mary later created an animation suitable for web or social media.
Please enjoy this image responsibly.